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Desarrollar y publicar juegos para mejorar el impacto del marketing en el cliente

By Juegos, Marketing, Software Publicitario No Comments

En la actualidad existen algunos métodos para llegar a los clientes de maneras mas efectivas sin incurrir en un costo excesivo y prolongado, además de fidelizarlos para que vuelvan a nuestros productos o servicios, uno de ellos es la creación de juegos interactivos con los cuales podemos introducir la marca de una manera sutil y otorgar un valor agregado a nuestros clientes.

Hay diferentes plataformas en las cuales podemos exponer un juego o algún producto audiovisual de entretenimiento con el cual logremos enganchar a los clientes sin que ellos se sientan presionados y simplemente realicen una tarea cotidiana que podría ser tomar unos segundos de entretenimiento.

Entre las plataformas adecuadas para desarrollar y publicar nuestros juegos están; la web, tiendas de aplicaciones como google play para android o app store para IOs, o juegos de escritorio para windows, en estos medios relativamente baratos podríamos tener otro medio de comunicación con el cliente y encaminarlo a la recompra sin ejercer acciones persuasivas directas.

It is important to create applications and games that help improve people in a positive way, so it will be easier to comply with the policies on the app distribution platforms.

New Magical World

Bienvenido a Tienda de Mente

By Welcome No Comments

Bienvenido a Tienda de Mente, una plataforma web que otorga servicios de desarrollo de software personalizado para las diferentes necesidades de las empresas, ya sean publicitarios o utilitarios los modelos interactivos impulsaran las ventas y mejoraran el marketing de las empresas de una manera distinta a las convencionales.

digitalizamos tus ideas

Create a video game

By Ingresos pasivos, Welcome No Comments

There are many ways to create video games, but this could be a difficult task if we do not know the most efficient ways to create them and the useful tools that save a lot of time and money.
quick tips

Creating a game for whatever the platform and seeing it published and playing it from an official platform such as google play, app store or steam or even on our own windows desktop having an executable .exe may seem like a daunting task if we don’t know where to start , the reality is that it is not an easy task but we can start with something very simple so as not to get exhausted, something as simple as creating a button that changes color when pressed, if we can do that it is already an advance in interactivity, well but in In reality, there are currently many platforms in which we can develop based on pre-developed templates, to get to have a finished product even for ourselves, but already finished and running, for this we have to find the correct tools, for example if you work In unity or in unreal engine you could invest in assets or get free assets from pre-made templates in order to accelerate our process, there are also other faster but less personalized creation platforms such as bubble, rpg maker, build box, or you can buy and take advantage of offers in bundles such as the current humble bundle offer in which they offer for 25 dollars 001 game creator With more than 8 templates and tools, it should be noted that at the moment there are 7 days left for this offer to end